This blog is about prayer. Specifically, it's about praying to God The Father in the name of His Son Jesus Christ to further advance His Kingdom. This blog may not be updated very often, but I will try to focus on people and ministries that need prayer regularly.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Refugee Highway

All around the world there are people who need help and prayer, people who have lost their homes to wars, natural disasters and other tragedies. If you would like to pray for some of them, please visit
and click on "Prayer Centre" to get started. You can look at prayer listings and do other things as well.

Let us all pray that God will comfort the hearts of those who are strangers in strange lands.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Prayer "On Demand"

These days there are all kinds of TV and video services that let you watch programs "on demand", which usually means streaming (or something similar) programming directly to your TV, computer, etc.
So, what does any of this have to do with prayer? Well, try visiting
You can either type that into the web address bar or click on the PrayerGuard button and look for a tiny "JP" link in the Prayer Sites button on the right side of the PrayerGuard page. Every time you go to the ethne webpage, a different people group appears on the right side, no matter when or how often you visit. You can even click the reload button on your browser over and over if you want and watch the people groups change just as quickly.

As usual, you can either pray based only on the picture and name you see, or you can click on a link to read a more complete profile.

It's like prayer "on demand"!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Global Prayer Digest

How is everyone doing? Do you enjoy praying for the unreached daily? If so, there is at least one more option. I'm talking about the Global Prayer Digest. They talk about people groups every day that are within a monthly category. They also periodically talk about specific ministries within those categories, and they also occasionally have missionary biographies for active and late missionaries that are working or have worked with the people groups related to a particular month's category. If you would like to pray, please visit
You can find multiple links to both today's as well as this month's topics.

I hope you all consider making use of this valuable resource.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Thru the Bible Radio Network

Looking for something important to pray for that's not so frequently updated? Ever heard of Thru the Bible Radio Network? It is believed that one of God's tasks in the world is translating the Bible into every language that is being spoken and read today. But what about Bible teaching? It is hard to look at Thru the Bible and not see God's hand at work. Thru the Bible's mandate is "The whole Word for the whole world." Thru the Bible spends five years interpreting the entire Bible and presenting it in a clear way, and now it endeavors to translate that teaching into as many languages as possible. By going to, clicking on "How You Can Help" in the horizontal bar, and then clicking "Pray For Us" in the vertical column on the left, you can find a list of prayer requests that is updated monthly.

I hope you consider praying for this important ministry.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Baghdad Prayer Patrol

Baghdad. The city of peace. Or so it should be.

If you clicked on the PrayerGuard link, then you may have noticed more buttons on the PrayerGuard webpage. I'm adding this one today because I believe it is the most versatile. If you click on this button, then click on "Today's Prayer" on that webpage, you will be taken to a specific prayer, and the prayer page changes every day. Today, for example, the prayer is asking God to "Break the Power of Revenge". There are also "Hold the Peace" and "Today's Hotspot (neighborhood)" topics below the initial prayer that's shown. These two topics change based on the day of the week, and I've found them to be the same every week. For example, on Thursday the "Hold the Peace" topic will always be about Troublemakers, and the "Hotspot" will always be Karrada. Both of these topics are also links you can click on if you want to pray more extensively.

Let us all pray that Baghdad will be the peaceful city it was once named for.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


There are many prayer websites out there. Today, I'll be talking about PrayerGuard. Specifically, I'll be talking about a special feature. Remember Joshua Project and the Unreached People of the Day? Well, PrayerGuard has one that updates itself 24 times as fast. It's the Unreached People(s) of the hour, and while I do not expect any one person to pray for all of them, it might be a good idea to pray for one or two of them at the same time that you pray for the Unreached People of the Day. You can either pray based on what you see in the button, or if you click on the PrayerGuard link you will be taken to a set of three general prayers, where you would pray them one after the other. These prayers are random, but they are taken from a PrayerGuard set that includes things like praying that God will send workers, praying for culturally sensitive Christian TV and radio, praying for mothers, etc etc. I hope that you will consider these things for your own prayer time.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Unreached People of the Day

Joshua Project is a ministry that tries to keep track of every people group and post appropriate descriptions and prayer requests for each one. For the people groups that are mostly or completely unreached by Christianity and the Message of salvation, a special feature was created that updates itself daily with information about a particular unreached people group. You can choose to pray based on the information you see here, or you can click on the picture for a complete (or a mostly complete) profile of the people group shown, which may list the peoples' beliefs, history, cultural background, etc, and, perhaps most importantly, specific prayer requests for the people group shown. Some people groups do not have as much information shown as others, and instead of specific prayer requests, you may see general prayer requests accompanied by a "Scripture Focus", which displays a particular passage of the Bible. So, I hope you find this interesting if not educational, and I hope that you pray for the unreached people of the day!